
“Close” is one of those words with multiple meanings and it has a usage peculiar to my home town of Edinburgh, where a close is a small alleyway or courtyard leading from the Royal Mile to the North and South of the City (usually with lots of worn and steep steps involved). The close was usually named after a memorable occupant of one of the apartments reached by the common entrance, or a trade plied by one or more residents.

So today’s picture is of Advocate’s Close and, as I am not in Edinburgh, the picture is by Jonny Baker on Flickr:



Today’s word is darkness and I am continuing the war theme from yesterday’s post.

My picture is of the Ardrossan War Memorial, taken earlier this afternoon on a grey and stormy day.

I am posting it in black and white, as the starkness of the cross stands as a poignant reminder of the darkness of war and of the suffering, pain and despair it brings.

