Let there be light…

In the darkest night
it is not possible to believe
that light will come.

Because light has come before,
doesn’t mean it will again.

Hold faith tonight
for those who see the darkness
stretch before them –

who know no other truth than that –

whose barren-ness prevails,
who are buffeted by despair,
who cannot breathe for fear.

Join your prayer to God’s:
let there be light.

From Cheryl at holdthisspace


“It has to be dark for the stars to appear” (unknown)

(Picture: Bill Watterson’s Calvin and Hobbes)

Waiting to Be Revealed



We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us is someone valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit.

e.e. cummings

(found at inward/outward)

If you are experiencing self doubt, spend time with people who lift your spirits and make you feel good about yourself. Avoid those who pick away at your confidence and who try to pull you down to their level. Life is too short to be  with people who suck the life blood from you.


(Pictures: Bill Watterson’s Calvin and Hobbes)