Home town…

Off to Edinburgh for today’s photograph – wonderful evening shot taken from Salisbury Crags above Holyrood by Tom at Weephotos

Feeling nostalgic for the  City, so many happy memories…

“Each morning sees some task begun, each evening sees it close; Something attempted, something done, has earned a night’s repose.”

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Today’s picture is Peter Ribbeck’s wonderful shot of Ardrossan harbour.

Becalmed upon the sea of Thought,
Still unattained the land it sought,
My mind, with loosely-hanging sails,
Lies waiting the auspicious gales.

On either side, behind, before,
The ocean stretches like a floor,–
A level floor of amethyst,
Crowned by a golden dome of mist.

Blow, breath of inspiration, blow!
Shake and uplift this golden glow!
And fill the canvas of the mind
With wafts of thy celestial wind.

Blow, breath of song! until I feel
The straining sail, the lifting keel,
The life of the awakening sea,
Its motion and its mystery!

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (In the Harbour: Becalmed)

Former things

The former Barony St John’s church in Ardrossan – brilliant night shot by Carol-Ann Walker.


Then he climbed the tower of the Old North Church,
By the wooden stairs, with stealthy tread,
To the belfry chamber overhead,
And startled the pigeons from their perch
On the sombre rafters, that round him made
Masses and moving shapes of shade,–
By the trembling ladder, steep and tall,
To the highest window in the wall,
Where he paused to listen and look down
A moment on the roofs of the town
And the moonlight flowing over all.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (Paul Revere’s Ride)

First wave of the rising tide

The sea awoke at midnight from its sleep,
And round the pebbly beaches far and wide
I heard the first wave of the rising tide
Rush onward with uninterrupted sweep;
A voice out of the silence of the deep,
A sound mysteriously multiplied
As of a cataract from the mountain’s side,
Or roar of winds upon a wooded steep.
So comes to us at times, from the unknown
And inaccessible solitudes of being,
The rushing of the sea-tides of the soul;
And inspirations, that we deem our own,
Are some divine of foreshadowing and foreseeing

Of things beyond our reason or control. 

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Arran from Portencross  by Sam Smith (Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald on Facebook)

Into each life some rain must fall…

Today’s picture is a view of Saltcoats in the rain, taken by Dylan Walker. Really atmospheric!

More of his pictures can be seen in the Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald

Be still, sad heart, and cease repining; 
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining; 
Thy fate is the common fate of all, 
Into each life some rain must fall, 
Some days must be dark and dreary. 

(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)